Some Of My Favorite Sports

I have many favorite sports. Some of them are Basketball, Baseball, and Soccer. I like basketball because all of the action in the game. I like the action because when it is like that it is fun to play and it is fun to watch. Another reason is because it is challenging. I like when it is challenging because it makes it more fun to play and  way more entertaining. One more reason I like basketball is because you are almost never not moving. I like it when you are always moving because I like to be active.

One of the other sports I like is baseball. I like baseball because it is just really fun. I think it is fun because you get to cheer your team on hit and field. Another reason I like baseball is because you get to field and hit. I like that because you are playing several positions and not just playing one. Finally one more reason is because I get to play pitcher a lot. I like to play pitcher because you are almost running the whole field and what happens. Those are some reasons I like baseball.

Finally on of the last sports I like is soccer. I like soccer because it is really fast pace. I like fast pace is because you almost never stop moving. Another reason I like soccer is because it is more challenging than most other sports. I like that because it gives me something to want to practice and try to get better. Finally one last reason I like soccer is because it is really fun. I think it is fun because I get to play with friends and I also get to play some of my friends. Those are some reasons I like soccer.

I want you the people reading this to try to guess witch one of those sports I like more. Please leave a comment to try to guess what it is.

Alex MorganCreative Commons License Jamie Smed via Compfight

Want to check out sports

Want to play sports

Yard Work For The Homeless

Outdoor portrait of a cute little indian boy Creative Commons License Nithi Anand via Compfight

One of my major accomplishments in my twenty percent project is our mentor responding to are email and saying yes. I have many feeling about this accomplishment. The feelings I have are I am super happy. I am happy because we have already tried to get a hold of an other mentor before this but he did not respond. I also feel no pressure any more. I felt a lot of pressure because every one else already had a mentor way before us. I also feel like we are doing something good for the community in this project.

Also we have many December goals. Some of them are getting all of our flyers. We are going to do that by working hard to get them made and then print them and laminate them. Another goal we have is to start raising money. We are going to accomplish that by going to peoples yards and doing are yard work that we are going to do to raise are money. Those are some of my major December goals. Those are some of my December goals.